Access our workshop “Understanding the EU Taxonomy”

This session was delivered by Dawn Slevin, Managing Director of ELS Europe. Dawn has over 28 years of experience as a market leading consultant providing sustainable finance and environmental risk management solutions to the finance community and real economy actors. She was endorsed by the European Commission Decision C (2022)4586 for the position of Chair of European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) Sustainability Reporting Board. Dawn previously held positions with the European Commission as Co-chair ‘Do No Significant Harm’ of the EU Taxonomy TEG (2018-2020), and as Co-chair of EFRAG’s Project Task Force on reporting of non-financial risks & opportunities (PTF-RNFRO) (2020-2022).

Dawn’s professional focus is to facilitate organisations to achieve sustainability objectives of net zero CO2 emissions, climate adaptation, circular economy, protection of water resources and biodiversity, and pollution prevention whilst supporting a prosperous and fair business environment and economy. In doing so, she provides strategic advice and technical expertise on international environmental risk management and sustainable finance to clients from the financial sector, industry sector, business and innovation platforms, as well as regulatory and prudential authorities. Dawn works collaboratively with the FinTech industry on data analytic solutions, delivers training to clients, and has lectured at the university level.Her extensive experience is drawn from her work as an environmental engineer across a range of industries from construction and real estate, brownfield development, water treatment and supply, waste management, manufacturing, renewable energy, petrochemical, oil and gas, and transport.With in-depth sustainability experience, Dawn helps to develop fit-for-purpose strategies that create value, measure progress, exchange knowledge with positive sustainability actions and results across stakeholders.

Her experience guides organisations on compliance with sustainable finance regulations, guidance, and standards alongside effective use of disclosure and investment tools.