SynergistEIC’s physical consortium meeting in Cluj-Napoca successfully fostered collaboration and progress

The SynergistEIC physical consortium meeting recently took place in Cluj-Napoca, bringing together the four partners: Spherik Accelerator, G-Force, F6S, and Fasttrack. The purpose of this meeting was to strengthen collaboration and discuss the progress of the project, with a focus on work package updates, project management, and connecting startups with investors.

One of the key highlights of the meeting was the emphasis on fostering collaboration and coordination among consortium members. The partners recognized the importance of working together effectively to achieve the project’s goals. By reviewing the project’s progress, the consortium was able to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments to ensure the project’s success.

The consortium meeting played a crucial role in determining future plans, milestones, and next steps for the project. Strategic planning and alignment were facilitated through the establishment of a timeline of upcoming program activities. Open discussions and active participation allowed for the exchange of ideas and the creation of a cohesive roadmap for the future.

Team-building activities were conducted to strengthen relationships within the consortium and foster a positive working environment. 

The meeting provided opportunities to strengthen team cohesion and align the vision of partner organizations, as well as indentify opportunities and challenges. By addressing the identified challenges, the SynergistEIC project aims to provide effective mentoring, prepare startups for the EIC Accelerator program, actively involve startups, streamline reporting processes, and plan for successful future editions.

In conclusion, the meeting successfully fostered collaboration and progress. The discussions and updates during the meeting will guide future actions and benefit Greentech startups and the European ecosystem as a whole.