

At AlongRoute, our AI-powered marine weather forecasts help cargo ships sail safer, greener, and save up to 25% of their OPEX per voyage. With super-accurate predictions of critical oceanographic parameters, we boost existing weather ship routing systems’ performance by up to 130%, saving fuel and significantly reducing global GHG emissions. Our MVP is validated for the Mediterranean and soon we plan to scale-up our product to cover the global oceans.




Artificial Intelligence



Innovative solution:

In AlongRoute, we use smartly developed AI models to leverage the knowledge of physics that is “hidden” within good quality historical data (reanalyses) of certain, critical oceanographic parametes. Our models have  the capacity to “learn” how ocean physics works, and thus we can produce marine weather forecasts of unmatched accuracy. With our data as an input, existing weather ship routing systems can perform up to 130% better than today, and this can lead to a reduction of up to 50 mil. tons of blue GHG emissions just in the first year of market uptake alone!

AlongRoute - Video

Meet the team

Stergios Diamantopoulos

Apostolia Papadoudi

Eduardo Pena Vina

Georgia Kalantzi