Regrowth develops PLF systems cut to the of small-scale farmers in marginal areas and fit for outdoor and pasture management applications. Our technologies allow precise management of feeding, breeding, welfare control, and pasture quality monitoring. We also facilitate the application of regenerative agriculture practices increasing the farm’s long-term sustainability and quantifying its ecosystem services.
AI, IoT, Edge Computing, Telecommunications
Our solution aims to reduce production losses by tracking animals’ individual behavior patterns (feed, water consumption, weight gain/loss) allowing farmers to make critical data-based decisions. Additionally, having real-time data on the herd/flock state can allow farmers to manage the pasture in a regenerative manner, increasing the stocking rate (animals/ha) by 150% while at the same time significantly reducing the risk of overgrazing. Our LEAF system consists of a field station equipped with a variety of sensors able to detect each animal individually. The collected data is then analyzed by an AI applying edge computing in the field and reducing the reliance on GSM connection in marginal areas. Key decisions such as health treatments and pasture change now can be taken based on real-time data instead of gut feeling or traditional timetables. LEAF is designed to be completely autonomous and deployable in remote areas independently of pre-existing infrastructure.
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